Dental Labs
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Welcome to Lebon Dental Services. We are located in Ajax Ontario of the Durham Region. We are a diverse group of dedicated individuals that make our Team unique....
- Contact No. 905-431-1598
- Email Address : info@lebondentalservices.com
- Website : www.lebondentalservices.com
10-274 MacKenzie Ave, Ajax, ON L1S 2E9
MON-FRI : 08:00 AM-06:00 PM
SAT : 09:00 AM-05:00 PM
SAT : 09:00 AM-05:00 PM

Libra Dental Lab is a full service dental laboratory serving dentists in Ontario since 1967. ...
- Contact No. 416-745-6318
- Website : www.libradentallab.ca

We invite you to enjoy a tour of what we believe is leading dental laboratory services company. LHM ...
- Contact No. 416-924-6684
- Email Address : info@lhmdentallab.com
- Website : www.lhmdentallab.com