Family Dentistry
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Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. Omura is a specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Dr. Omura has expertise in Dental Implants, Bone Grafting, Wisdom Teeth, and Orthognathic Surgery. Our office…...
- Contact No. 905-457-8676
- Website : www.dromura.com

At City Dental Center in Toronto we offer a full range of dental services including cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, family dental care, teeth whitening, wisdom teeth removal, porcelain veneers and…...
- Contact No. 416-699-5577
- Website : www.citydentalcenter.ca

Family and Cosmetic Dentistry...
- Contact No. 647-556-5229

Dr. Lesley A. David is an oral and maxillofacial surgeon practicing in Toronto and Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Her practice is committed to providing the finest surgical care in implant dentistry and…...
- Contact No. 416-486-1551
- Website : www.implantsurgicalcare.com

Bathurst-Dupont Dental is a young and vibrant team, who are thankful to have loyal and caring patients. We take pride in providing the best standard of care in a friendly, gentle, and relaxed environment.…...
- Contact No. 416-531-3451
- Website : www.bathurstdupont.com

Dental clinics that pride on expanding the boundaries of excellence in dentistry and customer servic...
- Contact No. 647-558-3272
- Website : www.dentalhouse.ca

We, at Aviva dental, believe that informed patients are better equipped to make decisions regarding their oral health needs. Therefore, we take every step to ensure that our patients are aware of our…...
- Contact No. 416-679-1900
- Website : www.avivadental.com