Family Dentistry
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Welcome to College & Dufferin Dental Clinic Our family dental practice is recognized for putting its patients first. As we like to say, we don't just treat teeth, we treat people. We believe that a focus…...
- Contact No. 416-538-3538
- Website : www.collegestreetdentist.com

Our main goal is to give our patients a professional attention.With over 25 years practicing as a General Practitioner, Dr. Canals has been particularly focused on achieving a painless dentistry. We are…...
- Contact No. 416-636-8669
- Website : www.drcanalsdentaloffice.com

The College of Dental & Medical Auxiliaries, Canada is dedicated to producing upstanding healthcare workers. Registered as a private career college under the Private Career College Act, 2005, we are committed…...
- Contact No. 905-792-0855
- Email Address : info@dentalauxiliaries.com
- Website : www.dentalauxiliaries.com

Visit Beech Dentistry and receive a balance of quality, value, personalized care and clinical excellence. From our Brampton clinic, we make every effort to offer attentive care and provide you with easy…...
- Contact No. 905-451-9344
- Website : www.beechdentistry.ca
4 Beech St, Brampton, ON L6V 1V1
MON : 08:00 AM-04:00 PM
TUE : 12:00 AM-07:00 PM
WED : 08:00 AM-04:00 PM
FRI : 12:00 AM-07:00 PM
SAT : 10:00 AM-03:00 PM
TUE : 12:00 AM-07:00 PM
WED : 08:00 AM-04:00 PM
FRI : 12:00 AM-07:00 PM
SAT : 10:00 AM-03:00 PM

College Street Dental is pleased to offer a full range of services that will keep your smile beautiful and healthy. We cover many different areas of dentistry that range from routine procedures to cosmetic…...
- Contact No. 416-519-5550
- Website : www.collegestreetdental.ca

Weston Dental Office provides general and cosmetic dentistry services. Our dental office was founded on the concept of expedient personalized service that is centered on your over-all oral health. It…...
- Contact No. 416-247-1928
- Website : www.westondental.ca