about us
Dentist Search is the largest network of dental jobs and dental business across Canada, Ontario, Toronto and other provinces like Alberta, Quebec, British Columbia, Manitoba and Nova Scotia.
Being part of a niche dental directory is a great benefit to you. Listing your dental business can be done in just a few simple clicks. Here are some reasons for why you should choose our dental directory to be a part of:
- Connect with all of our registered members that are interested in only receiving information about dentistry
- It can help you connect with dental suppliers
- Improve your branding and relations with potential new clients
- It's like having a mini-web page, you can share blog posts, ideas, dental jobs, relevant professional advice and much more
- Definitely helps your branding - the more places you are that are relevant to what you're doing the more likely people are going to find about you and give you a call!
When you submit your dental practice to our dental directory, you will be increasing your web traffic as you will be receiving a link back to your website. Our landing pages have much more content and are far more attractive to Google and other search engines. We advise our clients to add as much qualitative descriptions, and other informative content on the actual landing page so that they'll be found better and appear relatively high on Google and other major search engines.